Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hit Piece on Sarah Palin by the Lib Media! All Ridiculous Lies.

Another hit piece on Sarah Palin. The Liberal Media knows that Palin is a strong force for the Conservatives and are hitting her with everything they've got. Luckily, a lot of Americans are waking up and realizing that the Liberal Media cannot be trusted to release a completely unbiased and truthful report.
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Politico Silent on Palin, Hannity, Levin and Beck Retractions

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Radical Islam Video

Check out this video I posted on The Fearless Conservative You Tube Channel, this guy believes that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House. A must watch! Click on either link to go to the video.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

President George W Bush Greeting Troops at DFW

I stumbled across this video on You Tube today. George W Bush was a damn good President. The Liberal Media has distorted his image and is ridiculously propping up Obama's. President Obama, take note on how U.S. President should act. Forward to your friends.

Obama Administration Gave General Electric—Parent Company of NBC--$24.9 Million in ‘Stimulus’ Grants |

This is crazy! Does this administration have anybody overseeing this stuff. Oh yeah, that's Biden's job.

Obama Administration Gave General Electric—Parent Company of NBC--$24.9 Million in ‘Stimulus’ Grants |

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sarah Palin Tea Party Video/Bakersfield Business Conference

Here is a quick video w/ Sarah Palin on the Tea Party. Today I will be at the Bakersfield Business Conference where she will be speaking along with Laura Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Karl Rove, and many more awesome speakers. I will posting pics hopefully for Sundays Blog!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Progressive Values

Progressives like Obama and the American public are moving in opposite directions of each other in regards to beliefs, morals, and politics. The progressives are doing everything they can to destroy America. We need to continue to foil their evil plans. Progressive Values - Bill O'Reilly - Townhall Conservative